
hey there its me, notorious gayboy online PJ. Welcome to my tank.

i'm a 20 year old currently studying illustration and animation. i like drawing silly little pictures that make me happy and am not too pressed about anything else.

hang around a while, won't you?

Checkered Birds

example image
Material: Polyester
Dimensions: 26x26 in
Designer: Elorian Original
Provenance: Thrifted

This bandana is a very fun pattern, which is why I picked it up in the first place. In the store, I don't think I even noticed the birds, since the checkers blend the figures in smoothly with the rest of the pattern.

When I got it home and looked over it properly I saw the brand name in the bottom right corner. Elorian Original.

Now, I can't find much information on Elorian Original online. The only results that come up are listings on ebay, poshmark, and other resale sites for other Elorian scarves. Based on those listings, Elorian Original appears to be (have been?) a Japanese scarf company that operated in the 70's and 80's.

They made many different types of scarves- from bandanas to long scarves to hachimaki headbands. Lots of silk, and lots of beautiful geometric and floral designs.

example image
I even found another colorway of this same bandana, just with more blues and greens.
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